Remodeling Blog
Stay on top of the latest residential & commercial remodeling trends.
Commercial | Industry Knowledge
Chris Jackson
February 9th, 2021
It is essential to have complete proper tools to make everything convenient and avoid any construction remodeling projects. However, this is something that most newbies might have a hard time deciphering. With the numerous equipment available in the market, one might confuse which are essential from just miscellaneous.
Bathroom Remodeling | Commercial
Kevin Ahern
January 26th, 2021
At home, touchless faucets add an element of convenience to the bathroom and kitchen. In commercial settings, they are important for maintaining appropriate levels of sanitation, cleanliness, and hygiene. Touchless faucets can even be a tool in sustainability and green commercial construction and are a regular fixture in commercial construction renovations.
See how you can get the best return on investment from your next home remodel by knowing exactly what to expect and how to prepare.
Kevin Ahern
October 6th, 2020
Are you a business owner hiring a contractor in the next several months? It's important to vet contractors thoroughly before choosing one to work with. Asking probing questions about each contractors' business practices and about the remodel itself can help you vet professionals and prepare for your upcoming improvement project.
Kevin Ahern
August 19th, 2020
US Department of Energy estimates that, with the right improvements, commercial buildings can operate up to 70% more efficiently. Imagine how much money your business could save if you could cut your utility bills by 70%! By improving your building's energy efficiency, you can increase profits and position your business for growth over time.
Commercial | Commercial Remodeling | Kitchen Remodeling
Gabe Nelson
August 12th, 2020
What is the difference between the design of a commercial kitchen and your own personal kitchen? With a commercial kitchen, the design is about functionality and size to accommodate more foot traffic. A home kitchen is more about style and how well it blends with the house. Furthermore, a commercial kitchen has to be much more sanitary and cost-effective than a personal kitchen.
Commercial | Residential | Sustainability
Kevin Ahern
July 15th, 2020
Sustainable building (or green building) practices are still relatively new in the world of construction. With new ideas and new concepts come general misconceptions. Don't let these common rumors stop you from building your home or commercial property with sustainable materials and eco-friendly methods.
Commercial | Commercial Remodeling
Kevin Ahern
July 8th, 2020
Is your commercial building too small? Not so small that you're forced to move, but just small enough to be inconvenient? If so, an addition may be just what you need. In fact, a well-planned addition can improve functionality around your workplace, improve the reputation of your company, save your business money and increase profits.
Commercial | Commercial Remodeling
Kevin Ahern
June 10th, 2020
Education facilities need regular care and maintenance to keep up enrollment and fulfill their mission. Renovations and remodels are an investment in the future, preparing your facilities for students in decades to come.
Commercial | Residential | Industry Knowledge
Kevin Ahern
June 3rd, 2020
Many people use the terms "renovation" and "remodel" interchangeably as if they were the same type of project. However, there are subtle differences between these two terms.
Commercial | Residential | Industry Knowledge
Kevin Ahern
April 22nd, 2020
Renovations can be disruptive to everyday routines, whether they're being done to a commercial building or a home. Maintaining a clean workspace while work is underway can reduce the renovation's impact so life can continue more normally.
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