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Kevin Ahern

By: Kevin Ahern on October 16th, 2018

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Create The Perfect Home Office With These 9 Tips


For many self-employed homeowners, having a functional office space is critical. 

Working from home can be a great luxury, unless it turns out that your home office leaves a lot to be desired. If your home office is too small, too dark or just so non-functional that you can't get your work done, then changes need to be made.

In this post, we'll explore the various ways that your home office can be made more suitable for a working professional.

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Functionality with Built-in Furniture

The functionality of your home office space is critical for the operation of your home business. The addition of built-in shelves and cabinetry allows you to store your files in a location where they can be kept easily organized. Built-in furniture also improves the aesthetic value of your home office, making it a more pleasant place to get work done. You can even take the built-in office furniture one step further by having your desk custom built into the walls.


Good ambiance in your home office would help you clear your head and be more productive throughout the day. Producing a quiet, relaxing atmosphere is key. Painting the walls in muted, neutral colors that are conducive to relaxation would help. If you live in a home with noisy children or neighbors, it can also help to soundproof your walls and keep out loud background noises.

Adequate Light

Adequate lighting is important for ergonomic reasons, because if you work in conditions that don't provide adequate lighting to see, you could find yourself squinting, leaning forward and straining throughout the day. Installing windows and skylights can help. In addition, artificial light from several different sources enables you to work productively into the night, so the perfect home office should involve built in lighting on the walls and in the ceiling.

Monochromatic Color Scheme

Monochromatic color schemes made up of gray, black and white are all the rage, and not just in home offices. Color schemes of this nature are flexible, attractive and professional. Decorating with a monochromatic color scheme will make it easier to find furnishings and technology that matches your decor, ensuring that your home office will be aesthetically pleasing.

Workstation Variety

Many people benefit from working in a variety of different workstations throughout the day, which is why the ideal office with built-in office desks would have several different work stations (standing and sitting). A standing desk, sitting desk and window seat desk are all logical options.

Out in Nature

Who says your home office has to be in your house? Turning your backyard shed into its own office space has numerous advantages. With your own private space, tucked away in a natural setting like your back yard, your home office will be a relaxing and inspiring place to do work. Setting up an office outside the house also helps to limit interruptions from family members. To properly convert your backyard shed, you'll need a contractor to insulate the walls and supply power to the structure. Unlike the closet conversion, many people will not be able to accomplish this as a DIY project.

Closet Conversion

In houses where space is limited, many homeowners seeking an office turn to their closets. Closet conversions can be used to transform even the smallest closet into a fully functional office with a desk, chair and shelves. While simply removing the door is the easiest way to change your closet into a work nook, the more details you add to the space, the better. For example, a built-in desk and shelves will allow you to personalize the area, making it seem less like a closet and more like a true office space.

Adequate Electrical Supply

Today's home office needs many different electrical outlets to ensure that all office equipment has a place to be plugged in. It's always better to have more electrical outlets than you need than to have extension cords running over the floor in your office, so your ideal home office should have outlets in every possible realistic location.

High Tech Accommodations

Newer offices often have high tech gadgets like large screen televisions, built-in projection screens and ceiling projectors. Many home offices don't need this kind of gadgetry, but if your business would make use of these features, then the ideal home office for you would have a built-in cabinet for your large screen television, and a place for ceiling projectors and other electronic devices.

Get Started On Your New Home Office

If your home office is woefully inadequate and you find yourself now thinking about the ways in which your home office could be improved, then now may be the time to think about getting your office remodeled.

To find out more about getting your home office in Connecticut remodeled, download our free guide How To Choose A Professional Home Remodeling Contractor.

CTA Free Guide Download: How to Choose a Home Remodeling Contractor

About Kevin Ahern

Kevin is the Co-Founder of Litchfield Builders, an award-winning, industry leader with a reputation for managing projects others shy away from. They are known for their high-quality work, customer service, and reliability and though still relatively small in size, Litchfield Builders now competes with some of the areas largest firms in both the residential and commercial arenas.