Are You Considering or Beginning to Plan a Home Remodeling Project? 

Home Remodeling Project

If you are relatively new to home remodeling projects, there are several factors that you have to consider and prepare for that can affect the overall price of your project. 

That is why we created this simple and easy to read infographic that will break down what Litchfield Builders believes are the most important aspects to anticipate as you begin to plan for a home remodel. 

In this Infographic, you will learn about the major factors that will affect the overall cost of your remodeling project:

  • Timing of your project
  • Geography: Location of your home
  • Retrofitting, reinforcement, and upgrades
  • The cost of materials
  • Type of remodel and size

To learn more about how you can truly prepare for an upcoming home remodel, check out our infographic by filling out the form on this page!

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